Find out how to take advantage of free tutoring from our teachers at CSUSA.
Sometimes students need a little extra help with a subject or concept. Our teachers are dedicated to guiding all students to mastery and dedicate time to offer free tutoring before or after school and on Saturdays for students who are not performing on grade level. Our teachers provide a structured tutorial program with an emphasis on every student's individual needs for improvement. Tutoring is available for all core subjects including math, science, English language arts, and social studies. Some of our sessions may even be available in different languages.
Our teachers have the full disposal of our teaching curriculum, instructional strategies, and instructional aids such as iReady, Lexia, Imagine Math, and others that can be used to provide the extra push a student might need to accelerate their learning.
This is just one more way you win with the CSUSA difference!
Contact your school to learn more about our tutoring hours and availability.