Why is Industry Skills Training and Certification Important?

Learn what industry skills training and certification is and how it can be a helpful differentiator.

Our schools are focused on preparing our students for life, regardless of where life takes them or which journeys they decide to pursue.  Sometimes our students decide to pursue college post-graduation.  Sometimes they decide the military.  Sometimes they decide to attend a technical college or to go directly into work. 

Industry skills training is a way to expose students to topics, jobs, or careers that they may be curious about or genuinely interested in.  If students decide to pursue those tracks they can get certified which may set them apart competitively for jobs, college admissions, or internships. 

These certifications can be in but are not limited to:

  • Microsoft Office
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Computer Animation
  • Health Sciences
  • Information Technology

Whichever path our students decide to choose, our schools want to provide them with real-life lessons and practical skills that are not only helpful in the classroom, but help them in life.  These 21st-century skills are valuable today and will be valuable in the future.

Academic offerings differ with each school.  Please contact your CSUSA school to see which programs they may offer.